2019. Jun Reading List
- Tests that sometimes fail
- Monadic IO
- Driving Headless Chrome with Python
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9776351/creating-a-headless-chrome-instance-in-python
- Scala Futures and Promises
- Build and Secure APIs with Scala and the Play Framework
- Learn you Akka Streams for great Good
- A Practical Introduction to Akka Streams
- Reactive Streams principles applied in Akka Streams
- Streaming all the things with Akka Streams
- Akka Streams & Reactive Streams in action
- Understanding Akka Streams, Back Pressure and Asynchronous Architecture
- Lessons Learned From PayPal – Back Pressure With Akka Streams And Kafka
- Reactive Kafka with Akka Streams
- Build Real-Time Streaming ETL Pipelines with Akka Streams, Alpakka and Apache Kafka
- Implementing Microservices with Scala and Akka
- Effective Scala – Reloaded
- Angular Crash Course