2019. Apr Reading List
- Best Practices for Python Dependency Management
- A non-magical introduction to Pip and Virtualenv for Python beginners
- Pandas Pivot Table Explained
- Pandas Crosstab Explained
- Paging with Spring Boot
- Terraform vs. CLoudformation
- Presto – Interacting with Petabytes of Data at Facebook
- IAM Roundup: AWS vs. Azure vs. GCP
- Application and service principal objects in Azure Active Directory
- Deploying Multiple Environments with Terraform
- How to create reusable infrastructure with Terraform modules
- Terraform loops, if-statements, and gotchas
- Terraform Infrastructure Design Patterns
- The Depth of Terraforming a Kubernetes Cluster
- Good vs Great work
- Deploy a Spring Boot App to Azure
- Domain-Oriented Observability (Testing Instrumentation):
- Docker Deployments using Terraform
- Security as standard in the land of Kubernetes
- Deploy a Jenkins Cluster on AWS
- Reactive Programming in Python
- Async IO in Python
- The Reactive Extensions for Python
- Static Site Generator in Python
- Metacat – Making Big Data Discoverable and Meaningful at Netflix
- Spring Tips – Bootiful Microsoft Azure
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/java/azure/spring-framework/configure-spring-boot-starter-java-app-with-azure-key-vault?view=azure-java-stable
- Lessons from 300k+ Lines of Infrastructure Code
- Live Coding an IntelliJ IDEA Plugin from Scratch
- IntelliJ Plugins by Alec Strong
- Chris Voss – Never Split the Difference
- CI/CD Platform in AWS with Terraform, Ansible & Docker
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python
- Kubernetes in Action